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How to Improve on Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem

It is not so much about the clothes or make-up that we wear outside that makes the difference, but the confidence that we wear within. There are innumerable unavoidable experiences like happen in life that can weigh heavily on our psyche and leads to a lack of Self-Confidence and poor Self-Esteem. These, in turn, are also few of the factors that lead to mental disharmony. Nevertheless, with conscious effort, one can gain their confidence back. It might not sound as easy because the subconscious mind of the concerned would keep reminding them that they are not good enough. But, yes with due perseverance, patience, and a positive mindset, these qualities can be established or restored.

Get Surrounded with Positivity

We become what we think. Steer clear of anything that is negative – be it your own mind or other people who might cast a negative influence. Anything that makes you feel no-so-good needs to be eliminated. As discussed, building on confidence and self-esteem calls for a conscious effort from your side. There might be times when your subconscious would like to dominate you with negativity, but you have to fight it with all your strength. At other times, there would be people who would be averse to your positive change and might want to deflect you from your goal. Just keep away from them. Instead, surround yourself with positive, motivating and encouraging like-minded people.

Visualization and Positive Command

It is psychologically proven that how we visualize ourselves and command ourselves, gets deep rooted into our inner self and changes us for good. Every day take time to visualize yourself as a confident person with high self-esteem who everyone looks forward to. Visualize yourself having achieved what you wished for. Stand in front of a mirror, look straight into your eye, smile with confidence and tell yourself- I am good. I am the best. I feel confident. I can overcome all difficulties. I am strong, and I will not give up.

Very soon, you will realize how the power of positive command and visualization will work miracles and help you become a more confident person with high self-esteem.

Love Yourself and Work on Yourself

Accept yourself and love yourself. Without effort, nothing is achievable. Do things that make you feel good about yourself. At times you might have to involve yourself in activities that you don’t have an immediate affinity for. For example, exercise. The way you look carries a lot of impact on how we feel. Sometimes, just losing a few ounces of weight or getting more toned, can do wonders to our self-confidence! In short, eat healthy and stay fit!

Challenge yourself

To foster self-confidence, you need to challenge yourself to newer heights. Set achievable goals, achieve them, raise the bar, and go beyond your limitations. Within a short span of time, you would realize how far you have come. Take up a new hobby and set improvement/learning milestones. Don’t forget to treat yourself on your accomplishments. Gradually, you will discover a new confident person within you.

Practice Confidence

Affiliate yourself with people who want to help you build on self-confidence and ‘practice’ confidence with them. Seek their help and feedback. A like-minded group will be able to keep you motivated. For example, engage in a role play wherein you bang into a stranger on a long bus trip and need to initiate a conversation, or deliver an extempore, or dress up nicely and walk with enthusiasm! It can be anything depending upon what might help you build your self-esteem. Positive reinforcement is a tried and tested tool to build confidence.

Learn Self-Control

With the help of your support group, try to figure out what helps you cool down in times of anxiety. It could be a massage, deep breathing, a glass of water, or anything else to practice mindfulness. Lack of self-control might pull you into the downward spiral which needs to be avoided. Again, it needs conscious effort.

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